○ 주제: "신종감염병, 기후변화 등의 건강재난 대응 어떻게 할 것인가?"
 - 제목:  The ethical challenges of the SARS­CoV­2 pandemic in the global south
○ 주관: 건강재난 통합대응을 위한 교육연구단(BK21)
○ 일시: 6월 11일(금) 오후 4시
○ 장소: 비대면
○ 참여방법
 - Zoom : https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/85025994730
 - Youtube : https://youtu.be/uOspTNGCY2o

○ 강사소개: Alex Broadbent is founding Director of the Institute for the Future of Knowledge, Professor of Philosophy, and Associate Member of the African Centre for Epistemology and Philosophy of Science at the University of Johannesburg. He holds a PhD in History and Philosophy of Science from the University of Cambridge. His research concerns the philosophy of epidemiology and medicine, causation, counterfactuals, prediction, complexity, and conceptual aspects of machine learning. He is Editor in Chief of the journal Philosophy of Medicine. He is author of three monographs and over 30 journal articles. Outside university life, he engages in consultancy, advocacy and policy work related to public health and uses of science in legal contexts, and writes opinion pieces on topics such as the fourth industrial revolution and public health issues. He is an Associate Member of the Centre for Humanities Engaging Science and Society at Durham University and of Millennium Chambers.

○ 문의: 김태환 박사(taehkim@snu.ac.kr) / 김희진(heejin@snu.ac.kr)